
Mom Blogging

Biscuits with spelled, apple and cinnamon

септември 9, 2022

150 grams of whole grain wheat flour
150 grams of oatmeal
125 grams cow butter, melted
100 grams of brown sugar
100 grams of eggs (2 pieces)
50 grams of dried apples
10 grams of cinnamon
10 grams of baking powder

Of these quantities, 30 cookies are available.

Put the flour in the bowl, along with the sugar and baking powder. Shuffle in order for the products to mix well. Add melted butter, broken eggs and cinnamon. Agitate to form a homogeneous mixture. Cut the dried apples into small pieces. Add them and mix a soft, crumbly dough. Put baking paper in the large pan of the oven. From the dough, make balls as big as a nut and press them with your palms to form a biscuit. Arrange them in the tray at a distance of about one centimeter from each other. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven, on average, for about 15-20 minutes. After firing, remove them and place them on a metal grid to cool.
Enjoy your meal!

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