
Mom Blogging

Stuffed sweet red peppers with beans

септември 9, 2022

10 pieces of dried sweet red peppers
400 grams of cooked ripe beans
1 stalk of leeks onion
5-6 pieces of dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon of dried mint
salt to taste
frying fat

Put the dried sweet red peppers and tomatoes in a bowl of hot water. Leave the bowl overnight at room temperature so that you can well drank the sweet red peppers and tomatoes. After having stayed enough in water, remove and drain them well. Chop the onion finely. Fry it in fat on a pan. You can also use plain yellow onions. I used leek onions, because from time to time at home, on Christmas, the peppers were always prepared with onion. It is good to be used lard to make the dish even more Bulgarian and authentic. We like to cook with lard, and it is sometimes more useful than sunflower oil. Add the bean and fry for a short time. Turn off the hob and pull it aside. Add chopped dried tomatoes, mint and salt to taste, stir. Fill beans / peppers with beans and place them in a tray. Bake for a short time in an oven at 200 degrees. It is good to be burst for about 30 minutes.
Enjoy your meal!

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